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Zhang C, Brodylo, D, Sirianni MJ, Comas X, Douglas TA, Shoemaker WB, and Starr G. (2021). Mapping CO2 fluxes of cypress swamp and marshes in the Greater Everglades using eddy covariance measurements and Landsat data. Remote Sensing of Environment. DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2021.112523.
Shoemaker WB, Anderson FE, Sirianni MJ, and Daniels A. (2021). “Potential Accumulation of Soil Organic Matter from the Carbon Cycle within Greater Everglades Cypress and Pine Forested Wetlands”. Wetland Carbon and Environmental Management. AGU Monograph Series. DOI:10.1002/9781119639305.ch20.
Sirianni MJ, Comas X, Coronado-Molina C, Rudnick D, and Mount GJ. (2020). Peat collapse in the southwestern Everglades: understanding the matrix level response to salinization and its implications for biogenic gas fluxes from peat soils. Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar. SEG Expanded Abstracts. DOI:10.1190/gpr2020-014.1.
Sirianni MJ and Comas X. (2020). Changes in physical properties of Everglades peat soils induced by increased salinity at the laboratory scale: implications for changes in biogenic gas dynamics and potential peat collapse. Water Resources Research. DOI:10.1029/2019WR026144.